Percy Johnson-Marshall was our City Planning Professor at The Edinburgh University.
Today his words are still vivid on my mind. For example, he said that ''when a city reaches a certain size it presents more costs than benefits''. In relation to metro systems he said that ''when a city needs a metro system, what you need is a new city''.
Nowadays, the Curitiba city municipality (where I live, in Brazil) is debating on the need to build a metropolitan rail system.
As far as I know metro systems implies in population agglomeration, and all its costs associated with urban quality of life.
In my opinion a metro system in itself does not make people happyer. It just transport them faster to their destinations than other modes.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
At the Urban Design Department
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Edinburgh University
Friday, December 01, 2006
The Rocket
Post my Edinburgh card, please
Edinburgh Summertime

One could not believe but this snapshot was taken on summertime... in Edinburgh, of course.
The team is almost the same of the other photo. The main difference is the presence of Hellen Tyrell, Elcy Corrales (from Colombia) and another lovely lady (from Spain).
I am the one with a camera bag and almost frozen.

Na foto acima, tirada em frente ao ELF – The Edinburgh Language Foundation, George Square, se vê da esquerda para a direita: Gabriel Martinez, economista, Colombiano; Luiz C. P. Martins, engenheiro civil, Brasileiro; Mehmet Siddik Ensari, economista, Turco; Gilberto Larios Chavez, arquiteto, Mexicano; Hassan Dino, economista, Turco; Flávio Malta, arquiteto, Brasileiro; Alexandre Dorea Ribeiro, arquiteto, Brasileiro; Martin Sales, professor de Inglês, Inglês; Elcy Corrales, socióloga, Colombiana; Hellen Tyrell, professora de Inglês, Escocesa; Poonwilai Chantratada, arquiteta, Tailandesa; uma visitante Espanhola; e Arturo Yep Abanto, arquiteto, Peruano.
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